


What is wellness?

– a state of optimal well-being
– maximizing an individuals potential
– a life long process of moving towards enhancing self on all levels
– the realization of our true potential
– to be healthy and happy
– to be successful
– an active process in making the best choices for self

Physical Wellness

‘When we make good choices for self, there is more good in the world’

Most of us have heard the expression- ‘the world works in mirrors’ and as an example ‘If you want peace in the world, then strive to make your life more peaceful’

What makes you feel incredible physically? Is it a type of exercise? or food?
On our wellness path, it is important to hear the communication of the body. What does it tell you after you eat particular foods? what is your experience of it?

The more mindful we become, the more we become our own healer and the closer we get to experiencing physical wellness.

Mental/Emotional Wellness

The tears are just as important as the laughter!

We are here to face adversity. Most of us just want the fun stuff, but if we make allowances for the adversity without judging it we will be embracing wellness on a mental/emotional level!

Discovering what our beliefs are- challenging the ones we don’t like, and doing the work to move through them is part of the incredible human journey we are on.

Spiritual Wellness

A connection to something bigger then ourselves…a search for meaning in our lives.

What are we doing this all for?
How do you connect to yourself? to the world around you? What makes you feel peaceful?

There are many ways that we can connect on a spiritual level. I find this level of wellness is what helps us evolve and understand the meaning or purpose behind what we do while we are here and what we are here for.

Shamans believe in only one illness- disconnection to our spirit and source.
I believe that our physical body is a receptor to what we are healing on a spiritual level. You can’t have one separate from the other. The key is to understand the communication between the two. I have spent most of my life focused on discerning that level of communication.

Exploring our spiritual side is what anchors us on our path to overall wellness.


