Home Sweet Home

How do we turn knowledge into wisdom? With experience. We study to enhance our experiences, but it’s the experiences that grow us as human beings. Most people who get an illness and overcome it, if asked- will tell you that as hard and as painful as it was, they got so much out of the experience that they wouldn’t take it back. That’s how I feel about my trip to South America.

One of the most healing experiences on my journey so far has been letting go of everything I own. Releasing all stagnation in my life. Starting from square one. Feng Shui experts say that when you get rid of the old, it opens up the space and allows for the new. I feel that when you do this, you start to know what you want that space filled with! You start to get to know yourself on a deeper level through the emptiness. We live in a world where we are so afraid of space. We fill it, even with things we don’t necessarily love just so we feel more secure.

I left on my journey with only a backpack and didn’t know where I would end up. I gave myself permission to leave and never come back. When the plane landed back in Calgary only weeks after my departure, I was grateful to be home, ecstatic in fact.  For the first time in my life it felt like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Many people have asked me if Ayahuasca delivered what I had asked- love beyond fear and to know how to help raise the level of consciousness and love on this planet. I can say with confidence that I do think it opened those doors for me. I have never experienced such a heart opening and I most certainly look at the world differently. The book ‘A Course in Miracles’ says that when you have a shift in perception that IS a miracle in itself. Ayahuasca delivered me a miracle. The days after taking it, as my heart opened like it had never before- I started to realize what I wanted to fill my space with. LOVE. I never realized how much fear clouded it and held me back from truly embracing it.

As I journeyed to my next destination and took in a little bit of paradise, all I could think about was the love I wanted to return home to. As part of my departure and dedication to this project, I said good-bye to my boyfriend. As I left him behind, I knew we had an incredible connection but I also knew I needed to go. My parting words were “When I come home I will know if you are a twin flame or a soul mate”. My definition of a twin flame is someone that comes into your life that you have a strong connection to. Your relationship with this person is full of adversity and growth. Once you have had enough you part ways and they become an ex. A soul mate is someone that supports you for who you are and helps you grow from a heart centered place. I was surprised and delighted to find out after my heart opening ceremony that he was the latter.

I came home and once wrapped in his arms again, knew I would be supported and loved in a way I had hoped for my entire life. We are currently growing the roots of our relationship and embracing the healing power of love beyond fear.

India is still in the works although I now realize that my journey of healing that started from a young age needs a voice. I am taking some time to pour my heart into the pages I write so the world can hear my perspective on healing. Once grounded in that, I will take to the streets of India and continue my quest for the hidden healers of today that carry the wisdom of decades past.

Experts in the field of science as well as spirituality claim that the most powerful thing in the universe is love. So when it comes to healing- Is love the answer?

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