The most powerful thing in the universe


You are the most powerful thing in the universe. Without you, what have you got?

As we search this world for what we need or the things we want, we evole the layers of our human condition. We start with the basics- food and water. If we are lucky enough to get these, our natural instincts lead us to deeper desires. The desire for our mothers touch, our family connections and our desire to be there for others.

Our desire to be there for others helps us evolve our need to know our life has meaning. We learn endless ways to accomplish this. We become parents, get careers and learn that being busy is code for being needed.

What if you were told you were selfish. Would you feel shame or guilt? If all we have is ourselves and our experiences then how do we create meaning within our connections to others yet be there and connect to our inner beings.

Getting sick is a message to go within. If we get a simple cold, we stay home from work, we avoid our daily lives in exchange for building up our strength again. What if when we get more than just a cold, it is our souls desire for us to connect again with what is most important…

There are countless posters and sayings that tell us to follow our dreams, live large and go big or go home! The fear of being called selfish keeps many of us from jumping into the deep end. We play it safe in hopes that maybe one day we will get our turn. I’ve heard of many stories where the one that gets a limited time to live due to their illness, jumps into taking the world by storm. So why do we need to get sick to offer our souls permission to live out our deepest desires? We are all getting closer to death with each day that passes us by.

Selfish- lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure.
If health is about balance, how do we create balance when it comes to being there for ourselves vs. fulfilling the desires of our loved ones?

Could healing be the perfect balance between these two? If so, can I have the equation?

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